Review Skomageren Denmark
"We are Wittepoel in Rotterdam specialised in orthopedic footwear and insoles. We combine the finest craftsmanship traditions with modern technology to deliver high-quality products to our customers."
Our Journey to enhance Workplace Ergonomics
As orthopedic shoemakers, we often work in physically demanding positions, such as kneeling, which can be problematic for our backs and knees in the long term. Another challenge of working from the ground is having to work with extended arms, making it difficult for older employees to see clearly with or without glasses.
At our headquarters, we already had three fitting pits available for a long time. However, but this was not feasible at other locations, especially at rental sites.
Traditional podium sections have been used in the past, but they are not portable and take up a lot of space, particularly in consultation rooms. Podium sections lead to safety issues and discomfort for customers with balance problems.
"Orthostand is key in transforming our working conditions."
We first encountered the Orthostand One at the ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK 2022 event in Cologne. Impressed by this innovation, we ordered one immediately. After a particularly positive experience with the Orthostand, we purchased two more. We have been using already three Orthostands with great satisfaction for two years now.
The Orthostand offers a portable and space-saving solution that allows working at the right height without the drawbacks of traditional podium sections. It increases customers' confidence in stepping on and off and provides a comfortable working height for the practitioner. Compared to the fitting pit, the Orthostand is also an asset because it takes up less space, allows for better communication with the customer due to the absence of barriers between the customer and practitioner, is mobile, and requires less time for the customer to get on and off.
The Orthostand supports ergonomically responsible working, enabling employees to work until later in life. The ergonomic work environment reduces the strain on the body, thus extending our team's professional lifespan. This also results in a high degree of employee satisfaction. The Orthostand has not only improved our practice but also helped attract new staff. In an industry where qualified personnel are scarce, healthy working conditions greatly appeal to talented professionals. If I could built our company again, there would be much smaller consultation rooms with Orthostands to work ergonomically.
Rob Verwaard